Friday, September 30, 2011

Transitioning into Autumn

Its the last day of September, and my Zen moment arrives in the change of season- a shifting of the light, a departure from humidity- a welcome respite from the furnace that is our summer- a time when you can take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air that has an edge of spice and cold to it.  October is a fun and exciting month of transition- with its arrival comes cooler weather, warm sweaters, spices, autumn leaves, looking for the "Great Pumpkin" at local church pumpkin patches, an awakening of twilight activities, a bounty of fairs and festivals, costume changes, baking bread and cookies, celebrating Halloween, picnics in the park, and last but not least, celebrating our third wedding anniversary. 

Another note on the changing season- its time to dig out the Halloween decorations and start decking the house on the first day of October.  My Zen moment is found in memories of former Halloweens, and the knowledge that this is the one time of year we can be little kids again, and celebrate the simple things- like candy and costumes.  Its good to revisit the past, and to get in touch with imagination and magic. Halloween is the vehicle that gets us there.

Wishing everyone a happy autumn and harvest time!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Looking for a sign...

Its refreshing to know that the church has a sense of humor.  I was looking for a message or a sign this Sunday morning- and here it was :)