Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"The Sula Foundation"

Although this isn't brand new "news" (dates back to last November), it is one of my biggest Zen moments ever and deserved mentioning on here: Beau was featured on Sula Foundation's blogspot!  Here is the link:

To those of you who are unfamiliar with the group, Sula Foundation is a rescue organization based in New Orleans, that focuses on responsible pitbull ownership, and getting the truth out about pitbulls to counter-effect the media hype and false stories circulating about pitbulls being nothing but "killer dogs" who should all be euthanized due to their breed.  Sadly, the panic is widespread and has deep roots planted in fear and misinformation.  There are even states that have BSL (breed specific legislation) that prevents people from owning or adopting or breeding pitbulls. Most of the beliefs about pitbulls are fueled by ignorance, lack of information, misinformation and fear.  And many of the "bite stories" you hear about on the news involve blatant lies- if they can't find out what breed of dog was involved, they file it under the general heading "pitbull", thereby creating more unwanted drama and antagonism towards these dogs.  Pitbulls and the bully breeds have a rich history despite today's hatred- they used to be given the name "nanny dogs", because it was their job to guard and protect the young children in their human families.  The pitbull name even made an appearance on "Little Rascals" as a beloved member of the family.  Those of us who are privileged to own one (or several!) of our own know firsthand how wonderful these dogs are, full of loyalty and devotion and affection.  And lets not forget the famous pitbull owners who did not allow ignorance to factor in to their pitbull love:  

Helen Keller
Jessica Biel (3 in her family!)
Rachel Ray
Fred Astaire
Woodrow Wilson
Teddy Roosevelt
Thomas Edison
Serena Williams
Humphrey Bogart

*This list is the short list- and only thing these people have in common, apart from being wildly successful or history makers, is their love of pitbulls. 

Sula Foundation sponsors inexpensive vaccination clinics, free spay and neuter, provides factual information about the dogs, helps with the promotion of pitbulls both locally and nationwide, provides pitbull rescue/resources for rescue, fosters/provides for adoption of Sula dogs, and helps foster a general awareness of the importance of these dogs, in an attempt to fight the undeserved evil background that the media attempts to harness them with.

Sula Foundation is a charitable organization, and the champion of these wonderful, misunderstood pups.  If you would like to get involved please check out the website:  There are many ways to help out- by signing up to become a volunteer (helping out with events or exercising/visiting the dogs- many of who just want human contact and affection), donating money, buying Sula tee shirts and calendars, attending events or just by linking the website to your Facebook or Myspace page to promote awareness. 

(The link to Sula on FB:!/SulaFoundation).

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