Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon was my first official return to volunteer work post-baby.  It was a short one for me, 9:30-12:00, but enough to get my "paws" wet and get back into helping out.  I made the most of my time and helped set up the tent and table, sell merchandise, and get the word out about the Sula Vaccination Clinic being held the following weekend (April 13th). 

It was a beautiful spring day.  The humidity was low, the sun was out, and it was cool and balmy- in other words, perfect weather to be outdoors.  In New Orleans, we have a very short window of perfect spring weather, and this was it.  I was at the Sula Foundation tent, and we were lucky enough to obtain a spot under the oaks and out of direct sunlight.  As far as the volunteering went- it was difficult to get back into the swing of things at first- my mommy brain had a hard time doing the simple things like taking inventory of tee shirts (anything involving counting must be done two and three times these days, because its hard to focus.  This new mom is still burning the midnight oil and running on sleep deprivation and reduced caffeine!).  But as the morning marched on, things got easier.  The folks I volunteered with were super-nice, and it was fun comparing "furry kid notes" with the others.  Here's a shot of my new Sula friends, and the adorable pitbull Leo:

It was heartwarming to see so many folks out with their "best friends".  There were so many different types of dogs, from the tiniest that would fit in a purse, to the leggy Great Danes and greyhounds.  Some were dressed to the nines. like the duo in the shot below; most were decked out in leashes and colorful collars.  People from all walks were there, and having a great time roaming around, checking out the tents set up by the various rescue organizations, and listening to the music belting out in the background.   

We had quite a few visitors at the Sula tent, like this adorable pitbull, who stopped by to check out our selection of books (and treats on hand):

The Louisiana Boxer Rescue, my other volunteer group, was also out participating in Dog Day Afternoon.  I was able to steal away and visit for a few minutes; my only regret is that I was unable to take pix and visit the Boxer Kissing Booth, because I ran out of time.  But it was lovely to see the ladies out, and the adorable pups.  And the Kissing Booth had a very long line by the time I made my way back to the Sula tent.  Cooper the Boxer knows how to steal the show every time ;)
It was great catching up with my fellow volunteers and dog lovers yesterday.  Its good to know that I can be a mommy and still be a volunteer/dog lover.  My only other regret about the day is that Beau wasn't there with me to enjoy it.  Seeing everyone out with their furry kids made me miss my own terribly.  But I made myself a promise- next year, I'm taking Beau to Dog Day Afternoon to show him off and enjoy some quality time together.  We might even make it a family outing and bring Lucas and Nathan along to enjoy family moments. 
Hope everyone was able to get out, even for a little while, and enjoy this year's Dog Day Afternoon.  Congrats to the hard working volunteers and animal organizations that make this event a success each and every year!!
Have a great week,

"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."- e.e. cummings

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fooled by April

Today is April Fool's Day.  It brought a smile to my face, remembering this time last year.  Last April Fool's Day was special because I had learned the news a few days before that I was officially pregnant.  We hadn't told anyone because we wanted to bask in the news before sharing it.  And, being the cautious type, I didn't want to "jinx" my pregnancy by sharing it prematurely.  April 1st arrived, and a small part of me was tempted to share the news, trick everyone into thinking it was an April Fools prank, then come back the next day with the news again.  Instead we waited, which was for the best.  But the unplayed prank was a fun secret my husband and I shared, and today I thought about it, looked at Nate and smiled :)

I was listening to Stevie Wonder this evening, and a song caught my ear.  It was perfect for today, with the lyrics "You've been fooled by April".  Here's the video of "Summer Soft":


Nathan is now four months and three days old.  Here's the latest shot of li'l man:

Yes, the old saying is true- it goes so fast! Yet at times I can hardly believe this sweet little man is real.  Life is good!

April showers are around the corner, but so are May flowers.  Wishing each of my readers a rainbow after the storm has passed...
