Wednesday, November 28, 2012


In the midst of all the chaos of my pregnancy, three big milestones have come and gone, and this is a good time to capture them in my blog before things get crazy again. Here goes:
First off was my birthday last Wednesday. Like most women, I hate the idea of getting another year older, especially when my spirit feels frozen in my early 20s. But, as they say, "Consider the alternative." Despite being hugely pregnant and not feeling up to much activity, I had a very lovely time celebrating this year. Momma came in early that week to bring presents and treat to lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant. On the day itself, I took a break from all the baby business and housework and errands, and simply put my feet up, read, relaxed, dreamed and rested.  That evening, my hubby baked the most incredible birthday cake EVER, a double chocolate confection that was absolutely irresistable. Here's some shots from my special days:

Hubby and the Awesome Cake
Its okay to laugh....I know the cake has soooo many candles it appears to be on fire ;)

Lucas & the Birthday Girl

The Momma I got my smile from :)

Snuggle time with my furry son 

The next big milestone was Thanksgiving, which landed the day after my bday on this year's calendar.  This is the first year I can remember that ever happening, it was like being in a time warp. It necessitated our week becoming one big feast of food, nonstop yumminess!  Originally I didn't think I would be up to cooking the usual Turkey Day meal, but I had a surprising burst of energy and was able to prepare Cornish hens, rice and gravy, corn, stuffings and cranberry jelly for our meal.  For dessert? You guessed it- chocolate cake :)
My last milestone: the final days of this pregnancy. Finally, FINALLY I'm nearing the end of the amazing (and painful) journey, and things are slowly reaching the finish line. I wanted to keep track of everything online and did a good job documenting the first 6 months but have unfortunately neglected all of my blogs, including my pregnancy one on The Bump, because there's been so much do in the meantime: prepare the nest, go to weekly dr. visits, work on the nursery, handle family visits and finish a million and one things that have branched off to two million and one things.  As far as symptoms go, I had that great little burst of energy the past few weeks, which has helped handle all the ongoing madness and to-dos.  But now its clear that I'm slowing down again.  Which is difficult because I can't get my head in the same place as my body.  In my mind, I'm reviewing all the loose ends that need to be taken care of before our lives are turned upside down.  But in body, I'm slow and tired and heavy and unable to do all of these things I'm thinking about.  And recently I've been struggling with the worst low pelvic pain, which is exacerbated by moving, standing up or walking.  Basically any activity that doesn't involve standing or laying in one place.  There IS no walking anymore- its all hobble.  On the bright side, my bundle of joy has been extremely active and full of energy and movement.  Unlike his mama!
One thing I've learned in my pregnancy experience, which can apply to all of life: expect the unexpected, and be ready to change with the changing times.  I love to plan, but like clockwork,whenever I get the plans written down, everything changes.  I literally can't keep a calendar or appointment book because its like a magic spell- I write down a to-do, or appointment, or event, and within hours it all changes.  So I'm hoping to use this new outlook and stop planning so much, or at least to remember to be flexible and be ready for all the changes as they appear on the horizon.  Because I get the distinct impression that everything is going to be one big whirlwind once Happy Feet is back home with us.  There will be no stopping! :)
Hoping this finds everyone preparing for the holidays, and enjoying the moments that are unplanned and magical. 